Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Barnes & Noble Promotion!

The new edition of GIFTS will be featured on the New Release table at Barnes & Noble from June 5 through June 18! That means the book will be placed on a table at the front of stores along with other new nonfiction. Then, in July and August, GIFTS will be given top-shelf placement in the Children with Special Needs section of the store.

These are fantastic publicity opportunities that could have a big impact on the future of GIFTS. The bookselling industry works by a "sink or swim" mentality. If GIFTS sells well during its debut period, it will have a longer, more visible existence in Barnes & Noble, and will be more likely to have a strong presence in other bookselling venues as well.

Many of us in the Down syndrome community went looking for a book just like GIFTS after our child's diagnosis, and couldn't find one. By purchasing copies of GIFTS and encouraging others to do the same, we can ensure that the thousands of parents who will be in our shoes in the coming months and years will be able to find the support they need.

We are grateful to those who purchased copies of the first edition of GIFTS. The royalties have been used to provide copies of the book to Down syndrome support groups across the nation; we hope that these organizations will buy multiple copies of the book to give to new parents. But even if you already own a copy of the book and don't desire to own another, there are many ways you can put extra copies to good use. Donate a copy to your local library, hospital or clinic, and/or DS support group. Give copies to friends or family members. The royalties from these sales will be used to get books in the hands of parents in need.

Each of us can make a difference by buying and sharing copies of GIFTS. Head into your local Barnes & Noble store in June and put your consumer dollar to a worthy cause! Together we can convince the world that the life of a child with Down syndrome is something to celebrate.

Kathryn Lynard Soper, Editor

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